5) Loltheist.com - I skipped right on past Lolcats and began my education with blasphemy. Nothing says religion like a baby Jesus basking in the light of God asking Mary if "I can haz tan now?"
4) Tegan and Sara - Most of their new album is ridiculously awesome. And if that's not enough, Chris Walla produced it and Jason McGerr plays the drums. If you don't have them, download "The Con," "Hop A Plane," "Nineteen," "I Was Married" and "Burn Your Life Down."
3) Explosions in the Sky - I have never enjoyed instrumental music- especially when I did homework. There is something about tuning out lyrics that helps me focus. Explosions in the Sky, however, have broken me of my former prejudices. Their music is gorgeous, painting pictures without words. Plus, they do the soundtrack for Friday Night Lights, possibly the best show on television right now.
2) Smartwater- While I cannot support the continual buying of disposable plastic water bottles, the fact that the Smartwater bottles are clear, and on the inside of the front label is a little fishy to play peek-a-boo with during class, makes me love them. It is a bottle I want to hug.
1) Fafarazzi.com - Fantasy football for those of us who could care less about football. Instead, you draft celebrities, and based upon how many times they are mentioned in the tabloids, you get points. Basically, awesomeness.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Top 5 Things I Am Addicted To Right Now
Top 5 Things I'm Currently Addicted To
5) Pomegranate Tea - I probably drink 2 to 4 cups of this stuff on cold days. It’s perfect for arming yourself with coziness against the encroaching fall weather and also, being sweeter than most other teas, it satisfies my sugar cravings.
4) Blogging - Blogging (with the exception of blogs that actually provide people with a service or advocate an admirable cause) is the ultimate exercise in self-indulgence. They’re presumptuous and egomaniacal, but oh so much fun. There’s nothing like procrastinating by constructing your own self-important world where you can immortalize all those silly things that go on in your head or stand on your soap box to your heart’s content. The best part is pretending that someone, perhaps several someones, out there actually reads this crap, and maybe even cares!
3) Crossword Puzzles - The most intellectually satisfying way of staving off boredom in lecture. Plus, if you position yourself just right, it looks like you’re taking notes. I’m also trying to work my way up to the New York Times puzzle, so I figure I better be able to get through the entire week of puzzles in the SF Chronicle. As of now, I get through about Wednesday or Thursday before it gets too frustrating to even try.
2) lolcatz - Cats do the darndest things. Being turned onto “I can haz cheeseburger” was a revelation in procrastination. It combines my love of silly cat pictures and amusement with purposefully incorrect grammar; I can hardly think of a more entertaining way to squander hours of my time. The squandering has been greatly facilitated by my discovery of the “I can haz cheesburger” facebook app. Good bye productivity!
1) Television - Not having found much time for TV in the past, I never developed a real interest (especially once “Sex and the City” ended), so I’m a late-comer to today’s TV scene. But thanks to a TV-obsessed friend, my once isolated Alec Baldwin-centered love of “30 Rock” (which, courtesy of the internet, I never watched on TV anyway) has spread to several other shows: Reaper, the Office, Pushing Daisies and Doctor Who (which I also don’t watch on an actual television, but I included on this list anyway). Also, having an enormous HDTV (even though I haven’t quite figured out the whole HD thing), someone to watch it with and a DVR certainly helps feed the rapidly growing addiction.